From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Friends, I hope this letter finds all of you safe and well. Although many of us received COVID vaccinations, we still have to remain cautious. I know three people who were fully vaccinated and had booster shots who became ill with COVID last month...
From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Detroit Deaf Catholic Community, It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of this school year! Congratulations to Richard Hackney who became a Catholic at our Easter Vigil celebration! We wish him all the best, and may God continue to bless him. I am grateful ...
From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Friends, It is hard to believe that April is already here!! I hope you are having a blessed Lent. This morning while celebrating Mass for the novices at Camp De Sales, I preached that Lent was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn how to fall in love again with God. Similarly, many married couples told me that the Encounter Retreat - a popular program for Catholic married couples, had saved their marriages because it helped them to recognize and appreciate one ...