From Fr. MD's Desk: Hello Friends, I hope all of you are doing well. I am very aware that many people do not like the month of February because the weather is often dreary,..
From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Detroit Deaf Catholic Community, Happy New Year! And Merry Christmas too! Remember the Church continues to celebrate the Christmas season until January 9. I will be at NCOD Pastoral Week in Santa Fe, New Mexico in January. I will be there for only two nights on January 29 and 30...
From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Detroit Deaf Catholic Community, I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving. We are now in the season of Advent which means coming. Coming of who? Jesus Christ! Jesus is coming on December 25th - his birthday. The Church also uses Advent as a good reminder that Jesus will come...
From Fr. MD's Desk:Dear Friends, It is hard to believe that November is here already! The Church will begin the Advent season on Sunday, November 27. What is Advent? The word means “coming,” “Who is coming?” you may wonder....
From Fr. MD's Desk: Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying this time of the year. People love the month of October because of the beautiful colors on the trees. Pope Francis, in one of his writings, teaches us that we need to pay close attention to the beauty of nature in order to understand ..