Welcome to our redesigned newsletter! I am thrilled to have technology that makes it easier
to create this monthly newsletter. I hope you like and enjoy the new design.
I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have donated to CSA during these
challenging times. If you have not been able to donate, I would like you to please do so.
Whether it is $10, $20, or more, if you can, we must show gratitude to the Archdiocese of
Detroit for its continuous support of the Deaf Community (we are celebrating 110 years this
month!). As Fr. Mike always reminds us, we have been blessed. Other Deaf communities do
not have the services we have enjoyed for many years. May God continue to bless us!
Darlene and I will be on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from October 8 to 18. Please keep all of
the pilgrims in our group in your prayers. In my absence, don't hesitate to contact Paul
Kuplicki, Sr., at [email protected] for emergencies.
The "Know your Rights" Presentation will be rescheduled for Spring 2025. As you know,
Annie Urasky is no longer the director of the Division of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing
Services (DODDBHH), and she is no longer available to present on October 4 as previously
advertised. I will announce the new date once I hear from the DODDBHH office.
In October, we commemorate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. In her apparitions, Mary
always reminds us of the importance of prayer and calls us to share the love we receive from
Jesus. Remember the power of Mary's intercession, as she did for the newlyweds at the
Cana's wedding. Let's pray the Rosary for peace in our country and the world and for God's
grace to help us bring Jesus' light to those around us.
Finally, there will be Mass and pet blessing on October 4 at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Deaf
Center, commemorating the feast of St. Francis de Assisi. Please join us if you can.
Have a blessed month of October. Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!
Rosary beads and crucifix cross on holy bible
St. John’s
Deaf Center
Veronica :)
of detroit
Volume 43 issue #10