November is the month of Thanksgiving. We should all find something to be grateful for each
day of this month. When we count our blessings, we can find much more joy and Peace in our
hearts. On November 1, All Saints Day, thank God for the saints who have influenced our lives.
On this Holy Day of Obligation, we will offer 10:30 a.m. Mass at SJDC and 4:30 p.m. Mass at St.
Valentine School Chapel. On November 2, All Souls Day, thank God for those loved ones who
have blessed our lives and helped us grow in faith. Let us continue this trend each day in
November to be more aware of God’s blessings in our lives.
On that note, I want to thank God for the opportunity to participate in the pilgrimage to
Medjugorje, which was filled with the Holy Spirit and immeasurable blessings. Our group stayed
with Ivan, one of the six visionaries, so every evening at 5 p.m., we were invited to pray the
Rosary at his private chapel and be present during Mary’s apparition at 5:40 p.m. Afterward,
Ivan shared parts of the Virgin Mary’s message with us. Ivan always started with the disclaimer,
“Human words can’t describe Mary’s beauty.”
Ivan’s words resonate with me. I cannot describe the experience: the excitement, love,
gratitude, and overflow of emotions that came with knowing that I was in the same place as
Mary, our Celestial Mother. It was beyond my comprehension. More often than not, tears ran
down my cheeks. I took the opportunity to present your needs and those of our Detroit Catholic
Deaf Ministry to Mary, who interceded for us to Her son Jesus. I felt like I touched a piece of
Heaven during this pilgrimage.
During her apparitions, Mary encouraged us to pray for Peace in our hearts, families,
communities, and the world. She reminds us that Peace must start first in ourselves. She has
given us the five stones to fight the evil and darkness in our lives and the world: 1. Pray the
Rosary from the heart. 2. Eucharist 3. Confession once a month. 4. Fasting (Wednesdays and
Fridays). 5. Reading the Bible. Let us follow Mary’s advice to be filled with God’s Peace.
Veronica :)
Happy month of Thanksgiving! Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!